That sinking feeling

In 1799, the HMS Lutine sank with all its crew on board while carrying gold and silver <br>worth £1m. The ship was insured in the London market and the claim was paid out in full.

300 years on and in many ways, the London market is still the home of marine insurance. We protect one in every three ships that pass through the Panama Canal, carrying over 500m tonnes of good destined for ports all over the world. Not only do we insure some of the world’s biggest container ships, but also the lightest and fastest racing yachts and pleasure crafts.

We are proud of our history supporting the maritime world and the Lutine Bell still hangs in Lloyd’s today.

We get to see extraordinary things – when I first started there was a jewellery theft by the Pink Panthers at the Cannes Festival worth over $100 million!

Read Rebecca's profile

Ships collide, oil gets spilt and sailors get injured. Each requires research and investigation

Read Efi's Profile

What I love is that any big event, something you would read about in the news, I am more than likely to be involved; earthquake in Japan, ships being attacked in the Red Sea...

Read Gregor's profile

On a recent holiday, Fran looked out of the window as her flight took off and saw hundreds of huge container ships. She realised that many of them were protected by the insurance company she works for. “It suddenly makes it very real, that what we do all day is help people get goods around the world.”

Read Fran's Profile

90 percent of global trade is carried by sea; from huge space rockets to the latest Christmas toy trend, it has probably been put on a ship and travelled across the world. This puts it at risk of damage or destruction...

Read Abbie's Profile