Reaching for the sky

When it opens, the Jeddah Tower will be a record-setting 1,000 metres high, having overcome challenges like pumping wet concrete over a kilometre into the air.

There are now 24 skyscrapers that are over 100 stories high, facing threats from wind, fire and even the impact of glass windows on the local environment. As well as the buildings themselves, the architects, engineers and construction companies all need to be protected against the risk that something goes wrong either in the building process or once it is open.

While they reach for the sky, they can feel safe that the expertise of the London Market is supporting them as a leading provider of insurance for architectural and engineering design firms.

Max focused on property in North America – a huge land mass prone to hurricanes, wildfires, tornados, and earthquakes.

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The best thing about property insurance is that they are things you can relate to – theme parks, hotels, office buildings. I walk around the streets of London and feel excited by the real life application of what I am doing in my job.”

Read Cindy's Profile

Being any sort of professional adviser today means you face a whole range of risks that can bring your business to its knees. For example, architects are working on increasingly tall buildings and with new materials. Lawyers are working on cases that will change the world...

Read Brenna's profile